Informal Summaries

Research to ACTION

Anova presents a series of Informal Summaries which are an effective way of bringing important research to a wide audience. The following downloadable informal summaries can be read in a short time, making research findings easily digestible - increasing the likelihood of research being read and acted upon.

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With each informal summary, you will find tools such as best practices, models and informative guides. We hope you will use these and apply these.

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List of Informal Summaries:

A model integrating tuberculosis and COVID-19 screening at primary care clinics 
in Johannesburg

featuring an evaluation of an innovative model that integrated TB testing into COVID-19 services at two primary care clinics in South Africa and looks at factors that influence a TB or COVID-19 test being conducted and the factors that influenced a positive COVID-19 test result.

Improving Postnatal Care for High Risk Mother Infant Pairs at MLM Hospital, 

featuring a summary of the outcomes from an additional telephonic postnatal contact at 7-14-days amongst mothers delivering at Maphutha L Malatiji Hospital, in Mopani district.

Men’s Involvement in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Care (MNCH)

featuring the barriers and facilitators to men’s participation in MNCH from focus group discussions with men in CoJ.

IPT decreases rates of new TB cases in Anova’s Johannesburg APACE programme

featuring an analysis to determine the effect of IPT on developing TB over five years of follow-up

Improving access to HIV testing and treatment services for men in South Africa

featuring a qualitative assessment to explore men’s experiences of HIV services

CD4 monitoring needs to be improved to enhance quality of care in the ART programme

featuring interventions to help improve patient quality of care

Welcome Back Campaign Evaluation: How to encourage re-engagement with ART

featuring client and provider perspectives.

It doesn’t stop here: Supporting PLHIV to start ART after discharge from hospitals

featuring The Model to help support PLHIV to start ART after discharge from hospitals.

Understanding Retention and Engagement: How can we improve?

featuring approaches to keeping patients in care

Implementation of a Community-Based HIV Programme in SA: Where are the Gaps?

featuring an Implementation Science tool for community-based HIV programmes.

What can we learn from our Adolescent Programme in Mopani District?

featuring a Best Practices Tool for Adolescent Programming and AYFS.

90-90-90 implementation strategies: The “3 by 90 Hotspot Model”

featuring a tool for Participatory policy implementation: The Anova Cape Winelands Model of Support.

Baseline CD4 counts are important for client care & ART programmes even 
in the era of UTT

featuring a guide using baseline CD4 counts for patient care and ART programmes monitoring.
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